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Chi tiết sản phẩm

  • Giá: Liên hệ
  • Mã số: 22744; 22734; 22702
  • Xuất xứ: Ý
  • Quy cách: 22744 Separmed ® Tech silicone coated interior Test tube 13×75 mm in polypropylene with gel separator and clot activator, red cap, with label 22734 Separmed ® Tech silicone coated interior Test tube 12×86 mm in polypropylene with gel separator and clot activator, red cap, with label 22702 Separmed ® Tech silicone coated interior Test tube 16×100 mm in polypropylene with gel separator and clot activator, red cap, with label
  • Lượt xem: 831

22744    Separmed ® Tech silicone coated interior Test tube 13×75 mm in polypropylene with gel separator and clot activator, red cap, with label

22734    Separmed ® Tech silicone coated interior Test tube 12×86 mm in polypropylene with gel separator and clot activator, red cap, with label

22702    Separmed ® Tech silicone coated interior Test tube 16×100 mm in polypropylene with gel separator and clot activator, red cap, with label

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